Workers Day: Uchenna Wining Celebrates Nigeria Workers

 Workers Day: Uchenna Wining Celebrates Nigeria Workers


A leading Presidential Aspirant, Dr. Solomon Uchenna Wining has underscored the contributions of Nigerian to National development describing the nation’s workforce as an effective vehicle driving the growth and progress of the country’.

Dr. Wining disclosed that he holds the umbrella body of workers in the country, the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, in high esteem, despite their constant face- off with the Government over workers’ welfare, because their role was central to the socio- economic and political development of the Nigeria Nation.

The Presidential Aspirant, used the opportunity of this Year’s Worker’s Day to inform the Labour Union of his aspiration to run for the country’s Presidency, come 2023, and assured the workers that he would, if elected, introduce policies that would address their plight and make the ‘constant’ industrial actions in the country, a thing of the past.

The Presidential hopeful who spoke through the Head of campaign Media Directorate, Nze Nweke Nweke, was of the view that until a man who is passionate about the need to fix Nigeria is enthroned, the nation, and by extension her workforce, cannot get it right no matter the contribution(s) of the workers’.

“One of my reasons for aspiring to lead Nigeria is to fix this country and bring back her lost glory. I am going to improve the workers take home pay and other conditions of service to make it comparable with what their colleagues in other developed world earn.

“It irritates me that the Nigeria Labour Congress is still battling for a decent minimum wage for the workers whereas the nation’s political leaders are enjoying humongous benefits. It is against God and man for a labourer who deserves his wage to be denied this right. This is one of my motivations for the job, to address the inequities in the Nation’s reward system’

Dr. Wining urged the leadership of the various labour Unions in Nigeria to come together and ensure through their votes that all those who had held them down these many years are voted out, c time the 2023 election.

He regretted the neglect of the workers by successive Nigeria leaders, despite their election promises, and promised that, if elected, he would be the Worker’s prayers answered.’

The Presidential hopeful assured the workers that he would, if, given the mandate, he will immediately review their remunerations, welfare packages, and other working conditions to enable them to also benefit from our commonwealth”. He concluded.