Why Gov. Obiano is after my Throne …Anambra Monarch

 Why Gov. Obiano is after my Throne …Anambra Monarch

The ‘war’ between the traditional rulers council in Anambra State and the governor, Chief Dr. Wllie Obiano has gotten to a climax as the governor is been accused of having acted on the back page of the Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria and as well, his oath of allegiance following the dethronement of three out of the 12 traditional rulers who ordinary went to Abuja and met with the first citizen of the  Federal Republic of Nigeria, President, Mohammad Buhari, probably for the good of the State.
In this interview Igwe Chijioke Nwankwo, “Osuofia Nawfia” in Njikoka Local Government Area of Anambra State granted Nweke Nweke in his palace, the Monarch in angry mood, said he is been humiliated for condemning the governor’s alleged high-handedness even as the Monarch was dethroned without due process,. During the interview, Igwe Chijioke Nwankwo among other things made it known that he has no regret for visiting the President of the nation.

His Excerpt.
We are here to ascertain your stand in the crisis presently rocking the traditional institution in Anambra State where the government said they have dethone you as the Igwe of Nawfia, what is your take on this?

Well, if you ask me, I don’t think there is crisis, what I witnessed is people using their office(s), claiming that they are establishing their Constitutional rights as it is enshrined in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and somebody, somewhere in the government using his political aminuation to disarm the Traditional Institution in the State and disgrace them.I don’t see any crisis is a man-made crisis and it is not natural. 

Igwe, since the creation of Anambra State, the kind of rancho between the Traditional Institution and the Executive arm of the Government never happened. What do you think is responsible for the ranchor?
Well, there is truth in your question

it is unprecedented, nothing like this has ever happened since 1991 when Anambra State was created. Even in the old Anambra State, nobody has done something like this , it is recordbreaking that 12 traditional rulers has been suspended for just excerising their fundamental rights as enshrined in the Constitution of the  Federal Republic of Nigeria. Freedom of association is enshrined in section 40 in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Freedom of movement is enshrined in section 41 in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria also. 
Now I blamed the Federal Government for having failed to say anything as the action of the Anambra State Government portrays as nobody has the right to visit Mr President without taking permission from the state government it is illegal, it is unconstitutional and it is an abomination for no child has the right to question his father where he is going. It is the children that takes permission from their father on where they’re going and not the father taking permission from his children on where he is going. 
With this development, I therefore call on the Anambrians to wake up because our culture is being eroded,sooner or later, the Igboman will have no place to stay in Nigeria because the Anambra is the pivotal point of the Igboland.

We learnt that the governor is after your throne because of your position on the I’ll trratment meted on the traditional institution in the state and your demand that the rights of the traditional rulers must be protected, through the 5% local government joint allocation as enshrined in our constitution. How far is the rumour His Royal Highness? 

Well, your are right, the five percent was passed in 2007, the then governor failed to sign it into law. The Anambra State House of Assembly, pursuant to section 100, subsection Five over ruled the governor because they had two-third and the bill was passed and it became law. Since then, I have been agitating for the five percent to be paid to the traditional institution as the amount we are receiving was nothing but a peanut compared to what our counterparts in other regions are recovering. Therefore, I decided to pursue it vigorously that the traditional institution get their five percent Joint Local Government Allocation. Because of my out spoken on the issue, I became the target of the government.Am yet to see any tangible thing they will bring against me. Before a traditional ruler can be removed, including but not limited to even the law they amended and the unamended laws, it must go directly to customary code of conduct of that town, it has nothing to do with the government.

By our own understanding, a town have to elect their traditional ruler, present him to the government visa-vie issuing certificate of recognition, do you think the government went through due process to dethone you His Royal Highness?

Well, I have said it times without number that the problem in my town is caused by the government Twice in Nawfia there was no election, twice a president general were appointed by the government Unprecedented, my subjects like me, they love me. Whatever is going on here is a coup against me, is been planed and orchastred, E-mm, I don’t know how you guys(our team) may feel but let me make it open. What is happening now have two instigators, Nwofor and Victor Nwankwo. What am telling you is on Court record. If you go to suit number NN/48/2020, Nwofor is in the law suit. So you need not to fear for character deformation. It is already in there if anybody wants to know, there are the instigators, these are the pilots, co-pilots of the troubles in my town.

His Royal Highness, do you think the governor has the right to suspend or dethroned a traditional ruler?

No, the governor doesn’t have the right , unless and untill he meet the prerequisites required from removing a traditional ruler. Number One, they want to change the law, that notwithstanding, Section 35 of the Nigeria Constitution which is due process, he must tell me what I have done and I must be tried. No Governor, not even the President have the right. How would the governors feel if two members of their State House of Assembly impeaches them and the Federal Government upholds the impeachment, before warned is before hand.

Despite the ranchor between the state traditional institution and the government, how would you rate the present administration in Anambra State?

Well, you can’t say despite this, in this administration,I did not know what the governor is doing,I have no idea of what he is doing. We are collecting data, the judge is in there. I have already warned the government of Anambra State to steer clear, this is my last warning. I will not release what I know until they do what they want to do, then I can then show that am qualified to run for the governorship position. In any way you look at it, am well.educated, my father was a politician,I grew up in political family and I have a good pedigree. So, I have everything to run for governorship position in Anambra State. For now, am keeping my sword hidden and I hope they do not move again in my town before I untie my attacking dogs

Information before this Platform is that some people in your community has lined up, contesting on whom shall ascend to the throne of Nawfia following your recent dethronement by the State Government. If true, is it in tardum with the Constitution of your town?

This is most important and virtual question you’ve asked in this interview. The Constitution they are using is an illegal constitution. The Constitution is before a court of competent justification. They call it judiciary constitution. I am warning everybody, including the judiciary to steer clear from my town (Nawfia). I am prepared without hesitation to release information to the public and the people will not take it lightly and it may bring about Endjudicary and not EndSARS any more. It is most illegal thing I have ever seen since I ascended the throne as the Monarch of Nawfia town . The Constitution that was written in 2013 was rejected by nine out of ten villages in Nawfia . It is in writing and it is even before the Court. It is all forgery and fraudlent aided by some people but I will .keep quite now until the D-day. If the problem keep lingering. There is no constitution as at now,the Constitution that brought me in as the Igwe of Nawfia was written between 1989 and 1991 and the whole Nawfia accepted it.Let it be known today that Nawfia have two Town Union constitutions and a chieftaincy constitution that was approved by the old Anambra State after setting up Commission of Inquiry and the white paper was.also accepted. It is only the fraudlent people in Nawfia that are trying to twist everything by fraudlent behaviours and bribery. I am using this opportunity to warn the judges of the State High Courts  to steer clear from Barrister A.I.E Nwofor as we are watching here and abroad both. It is not in my character to destroy any person but if you let yourself to be destroyed, you will be made an object of circariture. 

This is January 2021 and by November this year, the State will be going in for election. Believing that some of the aspirants may have been coming to you for advice cum blessings, can we know the advice you have for the aspirants of different political parties and the electorate by extension.

My advice is very simple, in politics, any person who qualifies should go and vie for the governorship vacancy of Anambra State. The reason am saying this is that all these godfathersim and cabals bringing somebody for us doesn’t help the State to move forward. I think when the people choose whom they want in democracy, they can swallow anything the person does.When the electorate choose, the person chosen, in most cases, servers  the purpose but when the cabals choose, the person serves.the cabals . So let us choose who is ready to serve the people and not the canals.

In all what you and your people are passing through in hands of the State government, what massage do you have for your subjects and what advice do you have for them?

The massage I have for my  subjects and friends in this my trial time is to keep calm and enjoy their New year and hopefully, we will.be part in determining who will be the next governor as we are going to make sure it will not be business as usual. Unless there is change and repentance, people repent and be remorseful, show that they are going somewhere. That is the massage am giving to my subjects. What the government is doing in Nawfia is a waste of time. Let me say it categorically , unequivocally without a quorum of doubt that what they call Nawfia Patriotic Union is an illegal entity. There is a case in Court waiting for them .So you cannot do anything until you are done with that case in Court, otherwise, it is called judiciary notice. So you cannot bring anything in the disguise of trying to elect new Igwe and all that, it is unconstitutional based on the above stated. Remember, nobody has said what I did, the government did not put me, so the people of Nawfia must come up with the wrong(s) I’ve done to my Community that tatmount to my dethronement. 

Should the governor decided as one of your sons, come back to show remorse, can you still have space in your heart to forgive him despite the embassement your dethonment might have caused you and your subjects?

Yes, I do have the heart to receive anybody. When people do something, they must be sincere about it. Let me.tell you something about the government. Gov. Obiano as a person is my brother. Omabala and Nri are the same from Eri. So it is not personal issue. When government does something, it becomes a policy. First of all, they must deal with the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, Greg Obi by removing him entirely. I can say this without biting my tongue, his removal will get the State straightened. Am ready to go for debate with Greg Obi anywhere, anytime and in any place in the whole world. Thank you for coming.