Federal Lawmaker’s Rising Political Profile Terrifies Opponents

 Federal Lawmaker’s Rising Political Profile Terrifies Opponents


Member representing Orumba  North and South Constituency in the House of Representatives,Hon. Okwudili Ezenwakwo  has remained a shining light among his constituents because of quality representation which has attracted social amenities to communities under his constituency.

Hon. Ezenwankwo a veteran market leader in Anambra State before venturing into politics was the President-General, Anambra State Markets Amalgamated Traders Association (AMATAS).

During this reign as the boss of all market associations in Anambra State,Hon. Ezenwankwo who is popularly referred as “Ewepudike” applied his native intelligence and leadership acumen to ensure stability, peace and democratisation of major markets in the  State.

 Ewepudike  who was also President-General South East Amalgamated Traders Association (SEAMATA) equally built infrastructure in some of the markets and constructed an edifice at the popular Modebe Avenue, Onitsha as a permanent headquarter of AMATAS.

Same feats have also been replicated by the ever rising Federal lawmaker in his Orumba North and South Constituency of Anambra State as virtually all communities under his constituency can  boast of social amenities like functional water bore-holes, electrification, road construction and rehabilitation, health care facilities among others.

Even before his election into the National Assembly Hon. Ezenwankwo had established a foundation named  “Okwudili Ezenwakwo Foundation” which empowered constituents with cash for business capital, tricycles, motorcycles, skills acquisition equipment and others also took special responsibility in catering for widows in the area.

The foundation which has a lawyer and the  former NBA Chairman,Aguata NBA ,Barr.lloegbune Okoye as its Director  got a boost with more people benefitting from the empowerment programme shortly after joining the National Assembly as a lawmaker.

Former APGA lawmaker and presently PDP Candidate, Orumba North and South Constituency in the 2023 General Election said in an interview with our correspondent yesterday that his major focus if returned as a lawmaker would be radical and total development of communities under his constituency.

Hon.Ezenwankwo who claimed to have constructed more roads and attracted other infacstructure more than the previous representatives explained that development of communities under Orumba North and South remains a priority.