Crooks Conspire to Thwart Tansian University Chancellor’s WILL

 Crooks Conspire to Thwart Tansian University Chancellor’s WILL

Few months after the demise of Very Reverend Monsignor( Professor) Johnbosco Uche Akam, the founder cum Chancellor of Tansian University, Oba and Umunya, Idemili South and Oyi Council Areas of Anambra State respectively, some group of persons suspected of having questionable character has allegedly ganged up to thwart the WILL which is in favor of The Missionary Sons of Iweni Tansi also founded by the demise Cleric to their alleged self-aggrandizement. authoritatively gathered that the recently erected Catholic Bishop of Ekwulobia Diocese, Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, Most Reverend Peter Ebele Okpaleke, Daniel Igwilo, Festus Ugwu, Innocent Uke, one Barrister Obiora, and their cohorts are fingered of having allegedly forged the signature of the deceased Chancellor, therefore working not only to allegedly thwart the said WILL but to allegedly divert the WILL testament of the deceased clergy in their bid to allegedly steal the demise Chancellor’s property including cash he left behind for the propelling of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

According to an investigation conducted by, the deceased clergy had on the 5th day of October 2014 in repeal to all his previous WILLs and Testament, mandated The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi to benefit seventy percent (70%) from the proceeds from Tansian University while the remaining thirty(30%) percent is to be used in maintaining the institution but in the alleged plan(s) of the accused criminally-minded persons, they are fingered for having forged the signature of the late Chancellor as a script of diverting the property meant for the spreading the gospel of the Lord for their selfish interest.

It was gathered authoritatively that Most Reverend Bishop Peter Ebele Okpaleke, a Nigerian prelate of the Catholic Church whose name seems to be at the center of this heartbreaking controversial WILL of the founder of Tansian University, was appointed the Bishop of Ekwulobia on the 29th day of April 2020 as a result of the controversy, which surrendered the agitations of the Ahiara Mbaise diocese of the Catholic Church, Imo State where he was, and in making sure that heads did not role in the said diocese, he was removed and installed the Bishop of Ekwulobia following the rejection of the local clergy in Ahiara Mbaise over the diocese’s claim that Bishop Okpaleke’s ethnic origins did not match those of the population of the Ahiara Mbaise Catholic faithful.  

However, reliable sources confided in this reporter that on the formation of The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi in 1995, non of the Catholic Bishops within the Southeast States accepted to accommodate and assist Very Reverend Monsignor( Prof.) Johnbosco Uche Akam to establish his God-given call of identifying cum gathering some young men willing to join a congregation that will work in God’s vineyard, according to their call by the Almighty God. 

Sources close to the family of the deceased clergyperson went further and alleged that instead of allowing his call by the Almighty God to die off, the Anambra State-born Monsignor Akam approached the Bishop of Ijebuode Diocese of the Catholic Church, he was accommodated and he registered the congregation under the said diocese and Congregation, according to the same source is operating under the Ijebuode diocese from then till date. learned that on the passing unto glory of Very Reverend Monsignor( Prof.) Johnbosco Uche Akam, the Pro-Chancellor, who doubles as the Chairman of the Council of Tansian University, Prof. Nduka Uriah had through a letter dated the 22nd day of March 2021, intimidated the National University Commission on the demise of the Chancellor of the said University, which read this: 

“This is to formally inform the Commission of the Death of our Chancellor – late Very Rev. Monsignor. J.B Akam, which sad event took place on 5th February 2021. Has been buried on 15th February 2021.

“The demised Chancellor was the Founder and Leader of a Religious Congregation, The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi, MST who are the proprietors of Tansian University, Umunya as stated in the University law. The said Religious Congregation is domiciled in Ijebuode Diocese in Ogun State.

“The late Chancellor wrote a WILL dated 5th October 2014 which was read at the Anambra State Judicial Probate Awka on the 11th of March, 2021, a copy of the said WILL is attached herewith.

“Within the last few days, some unidentified group of young men has been parading themselves as members of The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi. I have told them to collect a letter of introduction from the Bishop of Ijebuode Diocese. I have also written to the Bishop to introduce the members of MST to the University Governing Council, I am yet to receive his letter,  but was reliably informed that his letter will reach the University any moment this week.

“The purpose of this communication, therefore, is to inform you of this development and further request that any person or group of persons approaching the Commission for anything concerning Tansian University Umunya should be discountenanced. A copy of the WILL of the University Law already with the commission made things clear. The letter from the Catholic Bishop of the Ijebuode Diocese will tell us whom to deal with. I will forward a copy of the letter as soon as I receive it”, he concluded.

During our investigation,   visited Ijebuodu Catholic Diocese, aimed at sampling the diocesan bishop’s opinion on the issue but could not secure an appointment with him but reliable sources within the diocese informed this Platform that the Diocesan Bishop, on the heat of the matter had written a letter to whomsoever it may concern where he allegedly stated it categorically that The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi was registered under his diocese. 

Our source quoted the Catholic Bishop of Ijebuode as having stated that Monsignor Professor Dr. Johnbosoco Uche Akam founded the Congregation of The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi, in 1995 and requested that the congregation should be given ecclesiastical approval from the predecessor of the present Bishop, (Most Rev. Albert A. Fasina). The diocesan sources also stated that the Bishop’s predecessor was the one who accommodated the Congregation in the Catholic Church, Ijebuode Diocese. 

If our sources’ claim is anything to go by, it all means that the Bishop must hold the responsibility of ensuring that the government of the Institute functions properly, according to the Universal Laws.

It was reliably gathered that the Bishop had in more clear terms made the stand of the Catholic Church of Ijebuode diocese clear though allegedly claiming that all the properties belonging to the congregation including those mentioned in THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF VERY REVEREND PROFESSOR JOHNBOSOCO UCHE AKAM, are ecclesiastical goods and must be administered by the status of the Congregation of The Missionary Sons Blessed Tansi.

Our investigation also revealed that Bishop Francis Obafemi in a letter he allegedly wrote to the appropriate quarters as regards the issue on the ground, had notified all concerned that Rev. Fr. Basil Mary Ugoata with the development, become the legitimate Moderator of MST by the stipulations of Can. 317. The new moderator, the Bishop was quoted to have said, was mandated by the Catholic Church, Ijebuode Diocese to henceforth, represent the congregation in both Ecclesiastical and in Civil Fora and report directly to me.

In what seemed like the accused criminally-minded persons had no regards and respect to the WILL of the deceased Monsignor, which represents the mind and position of the late clergyperson, it was gathered authoritatively that one Anthony Innocent Uke, whom we learned was very close to the deceased cleric as his messenger allegedly mastermind the forgoing of the signature of the Monsignor even as the said Anthony Innocent Uke is also fingered of having singlehandedly picked names of his suspected criminal allies and made them Board of Trustees of the Congregation of The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tanis, without even the consent of those he picked, therefore having breached the WILL that made the mind and choice of the late cleric very clear.

Recall that Mr. Anthony Innocent Uke was shortlisted from the list of those God called to work in His vineyard through the congregation of The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi due to his alleged greedy cum criminal records lifestyle.

However, this platform learned from reliable sources that on the 29th day of March 2021, Mr. Anthony Innocent Uke came up with the under-listed names as Board of Trustee members of The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi without the consent of the Catholic Bishop of the Ijebuode diocese. The names he claimed to have been confirmed by the Cooperate Affairs Commission, CAC includes÷ the Most Rev. Bishop Peter Okpaleke as the Chairman/Chancellor of Tansian University,  Prof. G. U Akam, Chief J. J Ezekafor, Very Rev. For. Dr. Lawrence Nwankwo and Rev. Fr. Prof. Eugene Anyway. Others are÷ Bro. Innocent Ukeh, Dr. Mrs. Helen Ozokwere, and Rev. Daniel Igwilo.

The mastermind of the alleged notable crime committed in the sanctuary of the Most High God, it was gathered went on and allotted the governing council position of the Tansian University, Umunya Anambra State to the following persons÷ Chancellor/Chairman, Board of Trustees – Most Rev. Bishop Peter Okapaleke, Prof. G. U Akam – Pro-Chancellor, Prof. Eugene Nwadialor – Vice-Chancellor, Prof. C. C Onochie, JP – Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Others are ÷ Hon. Sir Tony Obi, David Umeobika, Esq, Prof. Stella Okunna, Rev. Fr. Justin Egbe – Reps for the Congregation, Dr. Sophia Dimejesi, Dr. Victoria Okechukwu, Hon. Chief Dr. Nnamdi Cater Umeh, Hon. Ozonkpo Victor Ike Okoye, Rev. Fr. Prof. Panataleon O. J Umechukwu, Bro. Festus Ugwu – Reps MST, and Princess Stella Obianbo.

Commenting when contacted on his GSM line, the accused criminally-minded Anthony Innocent Uke instead of addressing the allegations leveled against him on the raging issues on its merits, resorted to threats on how he is going to eliminate this reporter should the matter be made public. He boasted that the matter concerning the Tansian University, Umunya, Anambra State remains a high-profile case that has to do with the bigwigs across Igboland.

But the views of one Barr. Obiora was quite different from that of Anthony Innocent Uke when contacted also on his mobile phone. The lawyer however advised that this Platform should not make haste in making the matter public rather, according to him, this Platform should make every effort to investigate the authenticity of all the information before it so as not to injure an innocent person(s). also contacted the Most Rev. Bishop Peter Okpaleke as to sample his opinion over his name that being mentioned repeatedly on the matter, the revered Reverend Bishop warned that this reporter should not call his mobile line in respect of Tansain University again, adding that; “you should go on and write whatever you wish to write”, he banged his phone on the ear of this reporter.

However, some of the people their names appeared on the list as the Trustee members of The Missionary Sons of Blessed Tansi and Tansian University when contacted on their mobile phones denied ever been contacted by anybody neither did they attend any meeting with anyone in respect of the matter. They confidently told this Platform that they are ready to come forward and defend their claim when the time comes. is going to keep you posted as events unfold in this matter