Onitsha Archdiocesan Apostolate Of The Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Rounds Off July Novena Prayer

 Onitsha Archdiocesan Apostolate Of The Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Rounds Off July Novena Prayer

The annual July Novena prayer of the Apostolate of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ has been brought to an end with praises to God Almighty for His blessings and protections.

Preaching at the Mass to mark the event which took place at St. Jude’s Catholic Church Figge, Onitsha South Council Area of Anambra State, a visiting priest from the Republic of Cameron, Rev. Fr. Paul Ezinando emphasized profoundly the paramount aspect of speaking truth at all times.

He stated that so many people have deviated from speaking the truth because of fear of death and material gains, recalling that John the Baptist confronted King Herod and told him the truth by telling him to stop having affairs with his brother’s wife without fearing anything.

The cleric slammed some people who he said uses the name of God to take an oath in other to achieve their selfish aim, reminding such people that Satan is a liar and father of all liers.

In his speech, the  Chaplain of Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Onitsha Archdiocese, Rev. Fr. Martin Atumuanya, called on the children of the Highest to be strong in their Heavenly race, reminding the Apostolates that their July Novena prayer has ended but their spiritual lives just started.

Fr. Martin Atumuanya urged them to be strong in prayer even as revealed to them that God said; “those who would be steadfast till the end of the world would inherit the Kingdom of God”

The clergy slammed some pastors who according to him only preaches prosperity instead of ways for salvation which he said could lead one to Heaven. 

Commenting, the new President of the Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in Onitsha Archdiocese,  Brother Casimir Umejiaku disclosed that July Novena prayer remains a great Month which he said the Church has set aside to adore the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ especially.

He noted that through the devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Jesus Himself revealed that three stages of Novena prayers should be observed thus; 1st stage, 9 days Novena to honor Nine Choirs of Angels, 2nd days Novena to honor of Trinity while 3rd stages are 12 days Novena for the twelve tribes of Isreal.

He disclosed that numerous testimonies and miracles happened to some people during their July Novena prayer, just as Mrs. Uche Anorue testified that her son fell from a third-floor building and survived.

Similarly, the President Emeritus of the  Precious Blood of Jesus Apostolate, Brother Emeka Ochemba described devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as a seed of love, which according to him induces whoever wants to repent, who never forgive people to start forgiving people and as well, prepares one for the Kingdom of God.

He equally averred that the devotion is the shortest way to be closer to God, adding that Jesus Christ said;  “He called us in a special way to make the world new so that the backsliders would be stable again”

In the same vein, another President Emeritus of the Apostolate, Brother Kingsley Onah said that Jesus Christ Himself named 31st July a great month.

He posited that Jesus Christ revealed to them that, 31st July is more important than other days in July, adding that it is a period both Heaven and Earth celebrates the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ which he said Jesus Christ gushed on the cross of Calvary for the sake of human salvation.

Bro. Casimir Umejiaku (Middle)-New President poss with Kingsley Onah & Bro. Emeka Ochemba – both President Emeritus

Congregation of Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ During the Event